At the LCD SRA in Obernkirchen on 17.02.2018 Moko received “excellent 3” in intermediate class with the following evaluation:

17 months old dog, well constructed and full of breed type, pleasing head, good eyecolor and pigmentation, clean through the neck, deep boded, super topline, and exc. coat and super ottertail, moved well.


Lotta was placed in the Open Class with “excellent 4” and following evaluation:

2 years and 2 months old bitch, yellow, strongly built girl in fit condition, pleasing head, good reach of neck, well angulated front and rear, deep through the body, in excellent coat, moved ok.

Judge was Lorraine Tooth (GB).

Subsequently, Lotta was for breed permission tested and she was judged “very good” by Tanja Nordhues.


The X-ray result of El Mondo is here and I am happy about HD: A1/A1, ED: 0/0 and OCD: free.